What Should I Consider When Picking a Personal Representative? by Tony B. Manns
Choosing the right personal representative—also known as the “executor”—is a crucial decision in estate planning when writing your Last Will & Testament. A personal representative manages a person’s assets after they die. The person selected should be trustworthy, organized, and financially literate.
Another important consideration is availability. The role of a personal representative can be time-consuming. Is the person up for the task? Physical proximity simplifies the process of managing local assets and court proceedings but may be outweighed by other considerations.
Finally, a personal representative should understand and be able to navigate family dynamics and potential conflicts of interest. One should be cautious about picking a personal representative who is a primary beneficiary. Professional executors are also available to provide expertise and impartiality.
You should consult your attorney to help sort through these considerations and ensure your estate planning follows a proper legal framework.